- 10:07 RT @ifanr: iPhone 无法赢得智能手机之战——非常非常有趣的观点:原因也许在于 Apple 生态圈建立在一个封闭的,端对端的技术平台上,Apple 控制了一切,而当周围的生态圈蓬发后,世界就会完全不同。www.ifanr.com/5028 #
- 11:19 I think that maybe Apple's apps store can learn something from Cydia in some way, there are some great apps in Cydia but can't be found in #
- 11:20 @coolxll in apps store, although I know that's the limitation of apple, but I really expect I can see such apps like sbsetting in apps store #
- 11:22 @coolxl l And I think android's market has much less limitation and cheaper cost than apps store, though not many buy apps on market #
- 16:41 在学术活动中心,发现 Touch 能打开 CMCC 的验证页面,但连不上,登陆不了。 S60 可以。 #
- 16:50 twitgoo.com/4lr91 - 登陆不能的CMCC接入点(iPhone/iPod Touch), accept 也无效, S60 是可以的, cc @xiaobaiwcc #
- 17:15 @EdisonChau two different things, if game choose psp, otherwise touch #
- 20:24 @EdisonChau it depends on what kimd of games you wantvyo play #
- 21:30 挂上代理终于连上 @billzhong 的 vpn 了, 没办法教育网就是慢,忍了 twitgoo.com/4lsgy #
- 22:19 @billzhong 你也是学校的网络还是电信? #
- 22:38 Tweetdeck 确实不错,有分组以及同步功能。 twitpic.com/nior6 #
- 22:58 开始为Mixero 分组,其实觉得Mixero 还有 TweetDeck 这样可以和服务器同步的分组 比 Twitter 官方的List 更好用呢。 #
- 23:07 @Imrunningsnail PC版(air)在settings 里有api设定,iPhone版暂时没有 #
- 23:46 @lookon 被腾讯BS了 #
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